eNewsletters Keep Your Target Audience Engaged


Congratulations, you’re doing a good job, following the website best practices prescription, and regularly posting new and interesting content on your company website. But how can you ensure that people are reading your latest posts?

Most web visitors are not regularly visiting your site to find new content. That’s where a company eNewsletter comes into play. Email newsletters provide a direct line of communication to customers and prospects, to provide them with the latest information about your company and prompt them to learn more by visiting your website.

Whether in print or electronic, newsletters are most effective when they are designed to inform and engage readers with relevant content. So, what content should you include? The first rule is to get the right balance between promotional and informational content. Less self-promotion is better. Be sure to include details about what’s happening within your organization that will interest readers. Showcase your expertise by providing informative articles about your industry and trends. Share a calendar of upcoming community events you sponsor, presentations and other activities.

Before you start distributing your eNewsletter, take the time to consider what your overall strategy and communication goals are. The first step is to establish a publication schedule, which helps manage recipients’ expectations about when your newsletter will appear in their inbox. It will also help you to plan and prioritize content.

Be sure to include a share button to make it easy for recipients to pass along your newsletter with others. In addition to a subscribe option, it’s also required that you provide a way for recipients to unsubscribe from future messages.

A key to any successful email newsletter is good list hygiene. Regularly update your distribution lists with new clients and prospects who want to be added. Monitor your bounce list, so that you can update any email addresses that have changed or become inactive.